Friday, December 23, 2005

Gearing up for the holidays!

That topic can certainly mean multiple things like, "I am simply getting ready for Christmas" or "I am gathering all my geeky electronics so I can stay connected while out of town" or "I am hoping to get a iPod Video for Christmas." When I started writing it, I was just referring to getting all of our stuff together, but there is a lot of geek stuff that I tend to take with me...PowerBook, iPod, Treo 650, CDs/DVDs and some piece of hardware I am messing around with like a firewall, router, external hard drive or sometimes even a full blown PC. This year will not be overpacked. I have an article to start working on ASAP which will be done on my PowerBook with Virtual PC while listening to my iPod.

Enough of my is the Friday before Christmas and campus is dead. Time to go home and work from the comfort of my couch.

Merry Christmas!

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